Learn and Generate Bibliographies, Citations, and Works Cited

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How to Cite the Bible in a Chicago Style Bibliography

Most citation styles do not require a bibliographic entry to cite the Bible and other scared works. This includes Chicago author-date or notes-biblio style. However, you do need to create an in-text or parenthetical citation in your paper when referencing the Bible. Creating Biblical Citations While creating biblical citations, include the abbreviated name of the book, the chapter number, and the...

Arranging Numbers in Works Cited List

When writing a school paper in MLA 8 style, you will need to know how to format your works cited page. Hopefully, you’ve created a working or preliminary bibliography as you did your research. Now, you simply take your preliminary works cited page and start arranging it as required. One common question is whether numbers come before letters. The quick answer is “no.” Instead, follow...

MLA Works Cited for Movies, Films, and TV Shows

If you’re writing a school essay using MLA format and need to cite films, movies or television shows, you can do so easily. MLA 8 is designed to be flexible to accommodate different platforms and versions. The container system enables you to emphasize relevant details, so your citations will always be on point. Films or Movies? “Films” and “movies” are synonymous, so you...

How to Cite the Bible in MLA Works Cited

Most citation styles, such as APA and Chicago/Turabian, do not require you to include entries for the Bible in bibliographies or reference lists. MLA 8 style, on the other hand, does require a works cited entry. Cite the Bible or other religious texts using the MLA container system. Creating an MLA Entry for a Bible Source Using the nine core elements of MLA format, the first element will be the...

Citing an Anthology in MLA Works Cited Pages

Anthologies are collections of writings published in a book or journal. The writings center around a similar theme, time, or subject matter. Oftentimes, this involves various authors. However, collections of poems or short stories by the same author are also anthologies. How you cite an anthology in MLA style depends on whether you are referencing the whole anthology or a single entry in it...

Hanging Indents in Google Docs or Word (Made Easy)

You use hanging indents in a bibliography, reference list, and works cited. A hanging indent is where the second and subsequent lines of a citation are indented five spaces. Learn how to create a hanging indent in Google Docs and Microsoft Word. See examples of how a hanging indent is used in MLA and APA style. What Is a Hanging Indent? Also called a second line indent or reverse indent, a...

How to Cite an Interview in MLA

Did a prominent professor give you a personal interview over email? Are you taking a quote from a personal interview in a magazine, either online or in print, for your MLA paper? In figuring out how to cite an interview in MLA style, you’ll need to account for different scenarios. No matter what type of interview you need to cite, though, you’ll learn how to quickly, easily and perfectly create...

How to Cite Shakespeare in MLA Works Cited

Acts, scenes and lines, oh my! You must be figuring out how to cite Shakespeare in your MLA paper. When it comes to Shakespeare in your MLA citation, creating quotes, in-text citations and formatting works cited entries is all about style. To make sure your style is “A” worthy, get the step-by-step instructions for creating all your Shakespeare citations from “Hamlet” to “Romeo and Juliet.”  How...

Citing Scholarly Journal Articles in MLA Works Cited

Using scholarly journal articles in your MLA 8 essay is a good way to find authoritative sources to back up your thesis statement. Depending on their content, journal articles can be primary or secondary sources. When searching for relevant articles, read the abstract first. This will help you determine whether the article will be a useful addition for your paper. Using Journal Article Databases...

Researching and Writing an APA Psychology Paper

Psychology is a popular elective course. Many students are curious about the way our minds work. We often try to “psychoanalyze” each other by looking at our behavior and coming up with armchair diagnoses of our teachers and fellow students. However, psychology is a broad field with many sub-fields, including clinical, cognitive and developmental psychology. Get top marks on your APA...

4 Copyright Law Sources for Student Essays

Are you interested in copyright law? Or are you writing a college essay or research paper on copyright law? If so, then explore these links to gain a better understanding on the history of copyright in the United States. Each entry tells you whether it is a primary or secondary source. Copyright Websites The United States Copyright Office supplies you with the complete version of the U.S...

6 Free Primary Source Websites for Student Research

As you start your research for your humanities or social studies project, you will need sources for primary documents. These may include original letters, interviews, images, and art. Understanding copyright law terms will help you avoid plagiarism. Even though most items are copyrighted by their owners, there are several places you can find archived items. Many institutions, such as libraries...

How to Avoid Plagiarism in Your School Essay

Copyright law is extensive and complicated. This article gives a brief overview of copyright law and how it affects students. But, for specific questions, you should ask your teacher. A general rule in writing school essays or developing research projects in MLA citations or APA format is to always credit your sources to avoid plagiarism. Fair use guidelines allow basic use of works for students...

Sample Bibliography for an Anthropology Essay

If you are writing an anthropology essay on the Navajo people, you may choose to talk about housing structures. This 17th edition of the Chicago/Turabian author-date style sample bibliography provides five resources for you to start researching this subject. Bibliography Example Format As you review this bibliography example for an anthropology paper, you’ll notice that it references a...

Finding Public Domain Sources for Your Class Essay

Are you looking for primary sources for your humanities or social studies school projects? Primary sources are original materials or research. By comparison, secondary sources are those materials that talk about primary sources. For example, an autobiography is a primary source and a biography is a secondary source. Public domain sources be very useful as primary sources. For example, websites...

Writing and Bibliography Tips for an Anthropology Paper

Learning about different cultures helps students understand how social and family bonds are formed. For example, it helps students empathize with other cultures. Studying anthropology is a broad area, so there are many topics to choose from for your anthropology paper. Generally, this subject is an elective, but you will learn many interesting things if you choose this course. What Is...

Proper Chicago Outline Format for an Essay

One of the first steps to writing a college or high school essay or research paper in Chicago 17 style is creating an outline. An essay outline not only helps you organize your thoughts and sources, but it actually helps with writing the paper itself. But first, you must familiarize yourself with how to format an outline properly. Chicago Style Outline Format An essay outline in Chicago style...

How to Write a History or Social Studies Essay

Social studies classes are required in high school and college. In fact, you’ve probably taken several social studies courses throughout your school years. As you graduate into higher-level courses, you will be required to prepare research papers about various subjects. Most instructors require either MLA style or Chicago style for your social studies essay. What Does Social Studies Mean...

How to Write a History School Paper in Chicago Style

You may feel overwhelmed looking at your history paper assignment, especially the requirement for Chicago 17 style citations. It’s easy to know where to start if you plan your school project first. Before you even begin writing, review the assignment carefully to ensure you understand it. Although your instructor should give you specific guidelines, you can adapt these steps to complete your...

Difference Between Footnotes and Endnotes Explained

If you are writing your school paper with Chicago style citation using the notes-biblio style or if your teacher asks you to include notes in your paper, you need to know the difference between footnotes and endnotes. Typically, notes are included in Chicago 17 notes-biblio style, but you may include them in an MLA or APA citation style school project if your instructor requires them. Where Do...

Preparing to Write MLA College Papers

Learning to research and write MLA 8 college papers is an essential skill as you leave the comfort of high school classes. One frequent complaint by college professors is that high school students come unprepared for college-level writing. Gearing high school classes towards standardized tests encourages teachers to teach the five-paragraph essay. Thus, students don’t really learn how to...

Using Note Cards for MLA Research Papers

In today’s digital age, it seems strange that organizing your research sources would be done on index cards. Instead of a mobile app or Google Doc, writing your sources on separate 3″ x 5″ index cards may still be a better way to help organize your citation sources. Although some teachers provide Word document templates that follow the same pattern, note cards make it easier to sort...

Difference Between Five-Paragraph Essay and MLA Paper

In high school, you’ll learn how to write a five-paragraph essay. This skill comes in handy as you learn to develop a thesis statement and organize an essay. Writing a five-paragraph essay is a part of standardized testing, which means it is a useful skill to learn. However, it is different from an MLA 8 format research paper or essay. Organizing a Five-Paragraph Essay When you write a five...

Tips for Writing Good MLA Thesis Statements

Writing thesis statements for your MLA 8 style school paper can seem intimidating to high school and college students. You may have practice in understanding thesis statements when you prepared five-paragraph essays. Maybe you have even written short five-page research papers in your English classes. Writing MLA College Papers However, now you are entering college and you will be writing a lot of...

Understanding APA Literature Reviews

Teachers often assign research papers to students, especially an APA literature review. Literature reviews may be part of a larger research paper or stand alone on their own. Since conducting original research and writing a paper about it takes considerable time, instructors often require students prepare papers such as compare and contrast, critical essays or literature reviews instead. What Is...

Works Cited vs. Bibliography vs. APA References

You’ve come to the end of your paper and now you need to cite your sources. Should you use a works cited page now? Or, is it a list of references? What’s the difference for a bibliography vs. reference lists? Knowing the answer for what citation format to use comes down to the topic and whether your paper is MLA, APA or Chicago style. Using this knowledge, learn if you should use a...

Writing an APA Style Paper for a School Project

In high school, your teacher typically asks you to write a critical essay or a short research paper on a current event or interesting person. Writing in MLA style and creating a works cited page for your references works well for these papers. However, if you take psychology or sociology classes in high school or college, you may be asked to write a paper using APA 7 style. Understanding APA...

APA Annotated Bibliography Guide With Examples

You just got the hand of bibliographies, but now your teacher is requesting an APA annotated bibliography. You can feel the sweat beading on your forehead and the panic starting to set in. First of all, don’t panic. Creating an annotated bibliography in APA format is as simple as 1, 2, 3. Well maybe not that simple, but it’s not as hard as you think. Learn the ins and outs of creating...

Writing Abstracts for a Literature Review in APA Format

Do you need to know how to write a literature review abstract in APA? You’ve come to the right place. This citation example focuses on abstract writing in an APA format style paper. Learning how to write an abstract in APA is an excellent skill to have, as it helps you develop the ability to summarize the essential points in your paper. In addition to a how-to, you can explore several APA...

Citing Visual and Performing Arts in Chicago Author-Date Style

You may use MLA style to write about art in high school, but there is a good chance you’ll be using Chicago/Turabian 17 style in college. If you are writing exclusively about an artist or art history, you will probably be asked to use the Chicago notes-biblio style. The notes-biblio style is ideal for writing about music, history and art, because you add notes throughout the text. Chicago author...

Citing Reference Works in Chicago Author-Date Style

You will see the term “reference work“ frequently while doing research for your school project. But, what exactly are reference works? We usually think of dictionaries and encyclopedias when we hear that term; however, other works such as indices, almanacs and catalogs fall under that category as well. Some reference works are even guides to other reference works. Basically, a reference work is a...

Chicago/Turabian Author-Date Citation Elements

As you’re researching your sources for your Chicago/Turabian 17 author-date paper, start to gather the citation elements you need to prepare for your reference list. It can be overwhelming when you’re faced with the daunting research needed for your paper. You can make your life easier by creating a preliminary or working bibliography of all your sources as you go along. Information to...

Entries to Include in Chicago/Turabian Author-Date Style

As you gather your sources for your school research paper, you must remember to include every piece of information. While preparing your Chicago 17 author-date style reference list, you want to make sure you give credit where credit is due. This is a cornerstone of research for several reasons. Not only do you have to give credit to the original creator, but you need to direct your reader to your...

Creating MLA In-Text Citations

Learn the ins and outs of creating an MLA in-text citation. Explore how to deal with multiple or no authors, multiple sources, and even anthologies through this quick and easy guide to MLA in-text citations. MLA In-Text Citation Website Create MLA In-Text Citations for Multiple and No Authors MLA In-Text Citation for Multiple Sources In-Text Citations for Anthologies and Collections Quoting vs...

Guide to MLA Container Format With Examples

As you learn about using MLA 8 for citing your sources, you’ll notice the term “container” being used. You may wonder what that means for you as you create your works cited page. There’s a simple reason why MLA format developed the container style. While updating the MLA Handbook, the editors realized they needed to create an easier way to format entries. Since information is found in...

Chicago Notes-Biblio Style vs. Author-Date Style

Even though the notes-biblio and author-date styles both come from the Chicago/Turabian 17 style guide, there are critical differences between the two formats. Once you’ve selected the style you want to use, follow the format carefully. Both the in-text citation and its corresponding bibliographic entry are formatted differently. Understanding Chicago Notes-Biblio Style Because the Chicago style...

MLA Abbreviations and Acronyms Including Months

You may use abbreviations and acronyms in your MLA 8 works cited list. However, when you are writing your paper, you should always spell out the words in full. Instead of using abbreviations such as etc., i.e. and e.g., write them out completely. For example, instead of using e.g., write out “for example.” When you use acronyms in your MLA format paper, write them out in full first. Then, you can...

Creating a Chicago/Turabian Style Reference Page

If you used the author-date Chicago/Turabian style while creating your paper instead of the notes-biblio style, you will need to create a reference list rather than a bibliography. The reference list is basically the same as the bibliography; however, you title the page References and you do not need to include all the sources you consulted. You do need to include all the sources that you cited...

MLA 7th Edition vs MLA 8th Edition

As you start to prepare your paper, you hit a crossroads. Should you use the seventh edition or the eighth edition of the MLA Handbook? You may think there’s not much difference. However, the MLA 8th edition introduced a shift in creating entries for your works cited list. In 2016, the Modern Language Association (MLA) decided it was time to revise its guidelines to reflect ever-changing...

How to Put MLA Works Cited in Alphabetical Order

You finally finished your research paper and your sources have been created into entries. Now, you can start putting it all together. You’re almost done. Alphabetizing your MLA 8 works cited list is easy as it follows the letter by letter method. Read on to understand how this method works when you’re dealing with multiple authors, no author or other cases. List Items Alphabetically  The first...

Organizing Works Cited in MLA Format

Unlike a bibliography, an MLA format works cited list only lists the sources you cite in your research paper. Every citation in your paper should match up to an entry in your works cited list. This means you need to review your paper to make sure the in-text citations are properly sourced at the end of your paper. If your instructor asks you to prepare a bibliography in MLA 8 style, title it as...

How to Make and Use 3-em Dash in Chicago Style

While developing your Chicago/Turabian style bibliography or reference list, you may use the 3-em dash method for multiple works by the same author. In the author-date style, you will use the publication date to organize your entries by the same author (or editor or translator). If you are using the notes-biblio style, you will organize your entries by the title of the work. Creating a 3-em Dash...

How to Cite a Legal Case, Document, or Source in APA

If you’re using legal sources in your report, you’ll need to know how to fit them into your reference list. You may feel somewhat confused, though, because, for the most part, APA format follows The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation style for citing legal sources. However, in some cases, you’ll still follow standard APA 7 guidelines. Bluebook or APA The seventh edition of APA...

APA Reference List Examples of Periodical Citations

Periodicals are materials that are published on a regular basis. For example, magazines, newsletters, and journals may be published daily, weekly, monthly or on other regularly scheduled dates. Periodicals follow a general format in your APA 7 report with a few differences between them. Newspaper article citations include the year of publication as well as the day; however, journal articles use...

Putting APA References in Alphabetical Order

You’ve finished your paper and organized your references. Now you’re ready to alphabetize the entries in your APA 7 format reference list. However, you have authors with the same name, weird letters, and numbers. What should you do? APA citation order is getting confusing. Rather than panic, learn how to create an APA reference list in alphabetical order by following these quick and...

8 APA Book Reference Examples

Do you want to know how to reference a book in an APA paper? Creating APA book reference citations for a print or e-book in your reference list is simple once you understand the format. APA 7 uses the author-date system, which means the author’s last name, first initial, the date of publication, title, and publisher are essential elements of the book citation. Learn how to create APA book...

What Is DOI?

You’re gathering your resources together when suddenly you notice that several of your online journal articles aren’t linked to a web address (URL). What is that mysterious notation at the end of the citation? You’re used to seeing a link to an online article in this way:   Then all of the sudden, this DOI® number shows up: DOI: What does this mean? The Difference...

Types of Bibliography Styles

When it comes to writing styles, there are a lot of them. Whether you’re writing a biology, communications, theology or philosophy research paper or essay, there is a writing style for you. Learn about the different styles for formatting your paper, as well as how the reference and bibliography styles differ between them. What’s in a Name? In the world of writing, there are bibliographies...

Footnote Referencing Styles

So, you’ve ventured into the wacky world of footnotes. Understanding which styles use them, when they use them and how to use them can have you scratching your head in confusion. Don’t fret! In this article, you’ll learn all the different footnote referencing styles, why you might use footnotes, and how to use them through examples. Using Footnotes Footnotes are one way to make in-text...

Common Research Paper Bibliography Formats

Research papers take a lot of different steps to format your outline and discuss where your sources came from. Every paper ends with a citation page or bibliography. The type of bibliography formats you use depends on your research and subject matter. Bibliography Uncovered Before you can even get into the steps of creating your bibliography, you need to understand specifically what a...