It’s helpful to follow these Chicago 17 magazine article citation examples as this style for citing sources uses two very different formats. The author-date style collects sources in a reference list, whereas the notes-bibliography style uses a bibliography. While writing entries in the author-date style, place the author’s name and date in the first two elements. If your teacher requires the notes style, you’ll include source entries as footnotes or endnotes.

Magazine Citation Example in Chicago Style
Use this format to cite a magazine article in Chicago author-date style. Do not include the volume or issue date. Include the day, if available; otherwise, just use the month and year.
Reference List Format
Author’s Last Name, First Name. Year. “Title of Article.” Name of Magazine, Month Day, Year.
Parenthetical Citation Format
(Author’s Last Name Year, Page #)
Example Reference List
Klesman, Alison. 2019. “Weathering the Storm.” Discover, September/October 2019.
Example Parenthetical Citation
(Klesman 2019, 51)
Citing Online Magazine Articles
If you accessed the magazine article online, add the URL. Online magazine articles rarely have page numbers, so just add the author’s last name and year in the parenthetical citation.
Reference List Format
Author’s Last Name, First Name. Year. “Title of Article.” Name of Magazine, Month Day, Year. URL or DOI or Database.
Parenthetical Citation Format
(Author’s Last Name Year)
Example Reference List
Naismith, Ray. “What is the Value of Economic History?” History Today, December 2019.
Example Parenthetical Citation
(Naismith 2019)
Chicago Notes-Bibliography Format for Magazine Articles
Cite a magazine article in the notes-bibliography style the same way as you would cite journal articles. Just note that the format for dates and page numbers is different. Include the day, if available.
Bibliography Citation Format
Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Magazine Name, Month Day, Year.
Notes Citation Format
##. Author’s First Last Name, “Title of Article,” Magazine Name, Month Day, Year, XX.
Example Bibliography Entry
Dajer, Tony. “Out of the Blue.” Discover, October/November 2019.
Example Notes Entry
1. Tony Dajer, “Out of the Blue,” Discover, October/November 2019, 22.
Online Magazine Articles
Add the URL, DOI or name of the database to the citation for online magazine articles. Usually online articles don’t have page numbers.
Bibliography Citation Format
Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Magazine Name, Month Day, Year. URL.
Notes Citation Format
##. Author’s First Last Name, “Title of Article,” Magazine Name, Month Day, Year, URL.
Example Bibliography Entry
Hincks, Joseph. “Why Protestors Are Boycotting Algeria’s Elections Today.” Time, December 12, 2019.
Example Notes Entry
2. Joseph Hincks, “Why Protestors Are Boycotting Algeria’s Elections Today,” Time, December 12, 2019,
- Always follow your teacher’s guidelines.
- Omit The from the titles of journals, magazines, and newspapers.
- Chicago notes-bibliography style uses a bibliography.
- Chicago author-date style uses a reference page.
Mix Up Your Sources
It’s easy to gather sources from just one or two places for your paper. However, including a variety of sources adds depth and interest to your research. It may help you to see current research in a different way. For example, journal articles and books provide serious in-depth viewpoints to a topic. Using images, film and video blogs can round out your Chicago style format paper with visual aids.